Unlock your true potential with energy healing

   I am here to guide you on your journey to emotional and physical balance, helping you unlock hidden potential within yourself and your life. 

                                  Does this sound familiar to you?

You feel stressed...

Or burned out...

You are tired, exhausted and you might lack motivation?

You are not able to show your full potential?

You are sad or even going through a phase of depression?

You have physical symptoms which can't be explained medically? 

You are dealing with fear or even panic?

You are lacking inner peace?

You observe certain unhealthy patterns in your behaviour and you struggle to change it?

       If yes, then it is time to release what no longer serves you!

Discover the power of energy healing! 

Everything in the universe is energy, and our bodies are no exception. I utilize the transformative methods of Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code, based on the principles of Dr. Bradley Nelson, in order to help you identiy physical, emotional and mental inbalances and gently, yet effectively, remove those imbalances. For more wellbeing and health, with a holistic view. 

Emotion Code

Release yourself from emotional baggage which is weighing you down! 

Body Code

Bring your body back into balance through holistic healing!

Belief Code

Break the chains of negative patterns and rewrite the script of your life!


In October I offer 50 sessions at a discounted rate. This applies to max. 2 sessions per person. Be fast and secure your start to a journey to a fulfilled life!

Sharing success stories...

Robert, 47

"As a big skeptic—after all, it's not something tangible—I nevertheless decided to book sessions with Anna on the advice of my wife, whom Anna had already helped in many aspects. My sessions addressed chronic stress, restlessness, and sleep problems. To give a more everyday example, I want to talk about my problem with heartburn. For years, I carried Rennie tablets in every jacket, coat, or pair of pants I owned—heartburn (deliberately phrased in the past tense) hit me practically after every meal, snack, or coffee, not to mention beer or wine—it was painful later on. Not anymore, though—Anna did a session with me, identified the emotions associated with it, and cleared these blockages. Heartburn? I can barely remember what that is!

So, I've gone from being the typical male skeptic to a promoter who enthusiastically recommends Anna. Many of my friends have been inspired by my examples and have become Anna's clients themselves, for which they are now SUPER grateful to me."

B., male, 22

"My experience was entirely positive. For a long time, I had struggled with depression and a lack of motivation. After the first session, I felt a sudden flow of energy in my body and started feeling like myself again. It was an incredible experience that gave me the strength to move forward. I found something I had been searching for a long time."

Kathryn, 43

"Anna started working with our 13-year-old son due to communication problems and his withdrawal in the relationship with us as parents. After three sessions, there was a huge change. Our son would come to us and talk for four hours. Without hesitation, he shared what he was feeling and his thoughts about life. We were amazed by the results of the Emotion Code. Anna continues to work with our son, addressing things that hinder his development in everyday life, school, and sports. Thank you, Anna, for bringing so much more ease into our son's life, for his increased motivation to learn, and for his return to sports without trauma after serious injuries. We're so grateful to have you."

I., female, 45

"I have always been slim... well, maybe except for two pregnancies years ago. After turning 40, I had to revise my eating habits, but recently I’ve been under a lot of prolonged stress and started gaining weight—1 kg per month—while eating and drinking as I always have. During a consultation Anna (whom I successfully work with on other issues) suggested it might be what’s called a weight wall. After two sessions, I started losing weight. After three months, I reached the weight I had three years earlier (6 kg down). To my surprise, I started eating less and didn’t have cravings for sweets (before, I would have sworn I didn’t have them). I finally managed to introduce fasting for one day a week (for health reasons). Of course, I pay attention to what I eat, but refraining from sweets or limiting meals and portions is now doable. Just like that… with effort, but not with inhuman strain. I wholeheartedly recommend it! ♥️"

Are you ready for change?

Start your journey to inner balance and unlock your full potential.

Get in touch for a free consulation or arrange your first session to discover the positive effect of energy healing. 

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.

Albert Einstein

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