Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect in a session?

A healing session can take place in person, virtually, or completely remotely (where I conduct the session and send you the notes afterward). All three options are equally effective. It’s beneficial to have the first one or two sessions in person or virtually to build trust, get to know each other, and have a chance to explain the process. Afterward, we can switch to remote sessions.

During a session, I connect with your energy field and act as a voice for your subconscious mind. It may sound a little weird, but once I can accurately identify events, traumas, etc., in your life with little prior knowledge, any skepticism usually disappears. 

Once connected, I search for blockages underlying your described issues. The more specific we can define your issues, the better results we can achieve. Often, resolving blockages in one area brings relief in entirely different aspects of life. These blockages are released energetically - permanently! 


How should I prepare for a session?

Think about the 2-3 topics you'd like to work on. A calm atmosphere is helpful for the process. I also recommend drinking plenty of water during the session, as it helps to gently process energetic changes.


What should I expect after a session?

This varies from person to person. You might feel a bit tired afterward, as something is changing in your body. This usually subsides fairly quickly. Some clients experience an immediate improvement in their symptoms, while sometimes the change takes a bit of time to manifest. It depends on the person and the issue.


Important Note:

Energy healing is not a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis. This type of therapy aims to restore balance to the body and mind and to activate self-healing abilities. Never discontinue medication on your own, and always follow your doctor's instructions.



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